Follow the steps to reliable setup of Quick and Nimble:
cocoapods installed in your machine (installation Guide)
1) create a new Xcode project
Xcode → File → New → Project
2) Select Single View App (Normally most of the application use this) →Next
- Enter Product Name (App NAme) — (here we are using WeatherForecast)
- enable check mark for Include Unit Tests
3 )Installation
Open terminal
Move to your working directory cd (path of your project folder)
Ex: enter in terminal
cd /Users/Documents/ WeatherForecast
4) Initialise pods with
Pod init
5) Open the newly created Podfile
within your favourite text editor.
edit podfile with below contents
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, ‘9.0’
target WeatherForecast’ do
# Comment the next line if you don’t want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for WeatherForecast
target ‘WeatherForecastTests’ do
inherit! :search_paths
# Pods for testing
pod ‘Quick’
pod ‘Nimble’
5) Save the podfile.Return to terminal and
enter pod install in terminal
6) This will install your new frameworks and create a pods project. It will also generate a workspace. You should now use the new workspace when working on your project. So if you’ve opened your project already close it and in open the WeatherForecasr.xcworkspace
7) Setting up your test class
Within your tests target create a new group and file by:
Highlighting WeatherForecast Tests.
File →New → Group
Rename the new Group ModelTests
Highlight your new group
File →New → File
Select Swift file, Press Next
- Name the new file CurrentSpecs . Press create
7) Within your new file replace the contents with the following
import Foundation
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import WeatherForecast
class CurrentWeatherSpecs: QuickSpec {
*After this you might face an error
“No such Module Quick”
“No such Module Nimble”
Below steps worked to Fix the error
Try the following:
1. Open xcode schemes list.
2. Tick Nimble and Quick with “show” and close.
3. Select Nimble as a scheme and build (cmd + b)
4. Select Quick as a scheme and build (cmd + b)
5. Change scheme back to your app scheme and see if the error is gone and autocompletion works.
This is what I have to do from time to time.